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After the rise of the Lavinians the clans on the southern edges of the plains of Arendia had a problem. Most of their fighters used swords or arrows to fight, as had been their tradition for centuries, however these Lavinians all wore metal armour. Wearing metal as armour was not an unknown concept for the arendians, but it was only worn by their close combat fighters, and their best archers, but it never covered their whole body because they simply did not have enough, and it got in the way when fighting because it was so heavy. And so, to adapt to this new threat, these clans started to train their fighters to use maces instead of swords, because although maces didn't pierce the armour, it could crush or crumple it, wounding the wearer.

Nâng cấp từ: Swordsman
Nâng cấp thành: Battlear
Chi phí: 32
Máu: 52
Di chuyển: 4
KN: 98
Trình độ: 2
Phân loại: chính thống
IDArendian Warrior
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16 - 2
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